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Game: Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max

System: PSP

Emulators: None



Whoever never heard of the Street Fighter series must have been living under a rock

all these years (or way too old to play games). Capcom release the very first Street Fighter

in 1987. It was a great game was cursed by bad controls and failed to gain the public's eye.

It did garner enough support for Capcom to release the sequel; Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

in 1991. This was the granddaddy of all fighting games, the game that not only defined the

tournament-fighting genre but also became the model for virtually every fighting game to come.


Since then, numerous versions and sequels has been made and released to the enjoyment

of all and Street Fighters series has made it to various console platforms. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max

on PSP is the latest version for the Alpha series. For those that didn't know, SFA3 is considered

by many SF fans as the most complete of all Street Fighter series to date. And SFA3 MAx is the

ultimate version compare to all previous release with new features and characters.


I pre-ordered this game immediately when I heard analog control is in this game (I will explain

below) and after playing for a few days, below is my impression:





I can safely say that Capcom did not let us down in this department. They keep all the animations,

sprites and background intact from all the previous version in this version. The graphic look amazingly

clear on the PSP screen and it was easy on the eye. Some people are complaining that Capcom

should have make some update to the 10-year old graphic (this game is 10 years old). To me, I am

glad that Capcom did not make any changes to the way the game looks. It wouldn't be SFA3 if they

change the overall look completely. New characters' sprites blend in nicely with the SFA3 look,

and we also have new animations in this version. The game enable you to choose to play in

PSP widescreen mode or 4:3 ratio mode. Compare to Darkstalker for PSP, the widescreen mode

did not make the characters look fat or deformed. THe widescreen mode also did not hamper

the sense of distance in the game and I grew to like the widescreen mode better than the 4:3 ratio

mode (which make the sprites look smaller). As usual, you will notice some jagged edges on the

sprites but it is almost at the same level as Guilty Gear XX# Reloaded, which is good.



Graphics: 9/10



The sound is LOUD, even on PSP speakers. All the bgm in previous version is here with new bgm

for the new characters. But the true quality of the sound is best heard with a set of earphones

(PSP earphones will do just fine).With an earphone, it seems like you have a personal arcade

machine at your disposal. Each sound effects was intact and I like the new characters' voices

(especially Eagle). Top notch (especially considering the GBA version using repeated voiceovers;

Sakura's voice is actually Ken's voice but make it sound higher pitch and faster!)


Sound: 10/10




I have a little mixed feeling in this department. I give up using D-Pad to play fighting games when

I try playing Darkstalker on PSP before. I did not get the Capcom Custom D-Pad cover so I am stuck with

the original PSP D-pad. I AM NOT USED to playing fighting games using D-Pad. Thanks God for

Capcom to enable the analog control this time. It was smooth sailing using the analog control.

It was just like a mini joystick and of course, i have had enough practise with Guilty Gear before

playing this game. It might take some time for people to get used to the analog control. The only

move that I can't pull off frequently is the db,df, db, uf move. I do read comments that some people

did not have problems using the D-Pad, even without the custom D-Pad cover. But it's not my cup of

tea. As for the buttons, the L and R shoulder buttons were a little cumbersome. It is extremely hard

to press PPP or KKK together (which was required in some characters). And Capcom has come out with

a solution to this problem by pressing Hard Punch + Low Kick / Hard Kick + Low Punch = PPP and

Hard Punch + Mid Kick / Hard Kick + Mid Punch = KKK. It certainly helps with moves for certai characters

like Gen or Akuma. Kudos to Capcom for thinking of this.



Controls: 8/10 (some people might give this a lower score if they don't like to use analog stick)




Console versions of this game feature many mode of gameplay and they all make a return in this

version plus few new modes. You still have your basic Arcade Mode, Training Mode, Free Battle mode,

Survival Mode, Dramatic Battle Mode (where 2 players vs 1 opponents), Reverse Dramatic Battle Mode

(where you challenge 2 opponents at one go!), Final Boss Mode (where you fight the final boss

straightaway) and so on. New to the series is the Variable Battle mode. In this mode, you choose

2 characters that you want to control and you will fight against on opponent ala Capcom versus series

which is the tag battle. You can tag in your partner and he/she will jump in with a kick to the opponent.

Unfortunately, it is still a 2vs1 battle. If only it was 2vs2 tag battle, then it will a great Capcom versus

tag battle style. A worthy effort though. Another new mode is the Vs 100 Kumite mode where

you will battle against 100 opponents in a stretch, kinda like Survival mode too. Tough but you will

be rewarded. World TOur Mode is also making a comeback. This is where you train up a character

of your choice where he/she will go around the globe, battling people. Some matches will have condition

of winning attached to it (use X-ism only etc) and you must fulfill the condition to beat the matches.

Sort of like a mini RPG, Tamagotchi style character building. You will be playing this for a long long time

(especially when you have to face TWO Final Bison with unlimited Super).


All the ISM mode are intact as does the hidden Saikyo, Classic and Mazi mode. Loading time is amazing

compare to Darkstalker, 10s MAX at the start of each new opponents and no loading time between rounds.

Of course, after getting sterillised with loading time of WWE SVR2006, 10s is really really short.

THe only downside is this game is supporting ad hoc only. It would be great if infrastructure is available.

Oh well, you can't have too much of a good thing.



Gameplay: 9/10 (might be lower for those already playing the game to death on their console)



Graphics: 9/10

Sound: 10/10

Control: 8/10

Gameplay: 9/10


Overall: 9/10


Any fighting gamers worth their salt should get this game. Period. This is the ultimate version

of the SFA3 version. It is a wonder to have a Street FIghter game in your pocket, to be played

anywhere, with everything intact. Capcom, thank you for bringing this to the PSP.

Edited by L.S.D

I spent hours playing this game on arcade and PSX doing world tour mode. Thought you didn't really mention it in your review, they added more to the dramatic mode which was one of the coolest modes in my opinion.


Good Review

Thought you didn't really mention it in your review, they added more to the dramatic mode which was one of the coolest modes in my opinion.

Huh? I miss something? THe reverse Dramatic Mode or the Variable Mode?

Thought you didn't really mention it in your review, they added more to the dramatic mode which was one of the coolest modes in my opinion.

Huh? I miss something? THe reverse Dramatic Mode or the Variable Mode?


In the psx version, the dramatic mode only had like 2 battles with ryu and ken or juni and juli as well as a custom character and another custom character with no storyline. I heard that they implemented more into it.


I remember the dramatic mode for psx to only allow you to choose 2 different sets of characters. This time it lets you choose who ever you please. Nice review L.S.D, I don't have the game yet, but everyone I know is playing this, won't be long until I get it though.

Thought you didn't really mention it in your review, they added more to the dramatic mode which was one of the coolest modes in my opinion.

Huh? I miss something? THe reverse Dramatic Mode or the Variable Mode?


In the psx version, the dramatic mode only had like 2 battles with ryu and ken or juni and juli as well as a custom character and another custom character with no storyline. I heard that they implemented more into it.

In the DC version, you can choose whichever characters you want to use and it will have 10 matches for dramatic mode. So, it is not something new.


And your description seems to be for SFA2 for PSX, not SFA3 :P


there was a Dramatic Mode on SFA3 for PSX


you got it after beating the game at a hard difficulty; I figured that out on my own hoping to get a hidden character though. (I still have bad memories of that fuucking world tour mode.)


Wait till you play this one. Facing two Final M.Bison with Infinite Supers. They will Psycho Crusher you to death :P:banghead:


just do world tour mode, maximize your character + use the inifnite guard power up, and block, block, hit, and block some more

just do world tour mode, maximize your character + use the inifnite guard power up, and block, block, hit, and block some more

Word is easier than action


not really; you have to win every single round with a perfect + level 3 super to at least maximize stats and reach Shin Akuma

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