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Slacil was throwen to Wylma's jail. When the gaurd's left, the necklace began to glow, and a screen came out of it. Slacil heard Ryle's voice: "This necklace can focus on one person. Just say his name.". "I better check out what Roger is doing" he said.


Roger got to the city of Yavne, and looked for a pizza shop that is open all the night (it began to get dark). He found one, and asked for a pizza. The shopkipper refused: "We got orders from a guy named Shemesh not to sell you a pizza..."


Roger looked for a costume shop that is open all the night...

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"Interesting", Slacil Said as he watched Roger run around.




Later, Roger Returned to the Pizza shop in a Japanese Costume....


The plot Thickens :lol:


"Hey You!"


Slacil looked up and put the necklace on.


The guard watched him and ordered, "Its time for you to go in torture chamber E!"


The guard opened the door and led Slacil to Torture Chamber E.


Slacil entered the Chamber.


He looked around the chamber and saw a sign.


It said:


Rules for Torture Chamber:

1. No food or Drink Allowed

2. Screaming is permitted

3. Answer all questions truthfully and you'll be let off easy!

4. No swearing please. 

5. Enjoy and Have Fun!


He felt the chamber move for a while and then it stopped.


A door opened and Slacil was led inside.


Slacil was tied securely to a chair.


(Amazing isn't it, no matter how technological advanced we are, the chair is still a good torture device :wink:)


The guards left Slacil alone and he sat there for a few minutes.


Slacil saw Shemesh come in with a triumphant and evil smile on his face.


Shemish spoke, "Usually, your town's interrogators are expert enough to get people to speak. But this and future times, I am going to interrogate you. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this very much. So now, Do you wish to reveal any information?"


Slacil sat in silenece.


Shemish grinned, "very well. I'm going to make you wish you told me what I want to know..."


-=After a while=-


Slacil was thrown down on the ground.


He heard the door shut behind him and footsteps went off in the distance.


"Dammit! I can't stand this forever", Slacil thought.


Slacil pulled out the necklace and saw Roger still in the pizza shop just walking to the counter...

  • 3 weeks later...

Roger came into the pizza store dressed as a clown.

"Wow, a clown!" said the shopkipper, "We have a speciel discount for clowns today: only 5 credits for a pizza"

Roger bought the book a pizza, the book ate it, and talked: "Who do you want to see?". "Slacil" Roger responed, and the book teleported him to in front of the jail.

"You coulden't take me to his exact location?" said Roger.

"You coulden't buy me paparony?" said the book.


Roger talked to the main gaurd: "Helle, I am a clown, and I came here to make Slacil a birthday party. can you show me where he is?"

The gaurd took Roger to Slacil's jail, and opened the door.

"I am going to do some magic tricks." said Roger, "For my first magic, I need a volunteer!".

"Take me! Take me!" the gaurd said, and Roger ordered him to stand in the middle of the jail chamber. Roger closed the door and locked it, and said to the gaurd: "We are going to bring some materials for the magic. You stay here, O.K.?"

They allmost managed to get out of the castle, when Shemesh saw them.

"Soooooo, leaving without saying goodby?"

"You got us," said Slacil, "go ahead and kill us..."

"Why should I kill you when I can put you in an easy to escape danger?" said Shemesh...

  • 2 weeks later...

"An Easy to escape Danager huh?" replied Slacil.


"Well, Easy in my terms, GWAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!" Shemesh roared.


A blinding flash surrounded the heroes.


-Strange Place-


"Where...are..we?" Roger asked.


Slacil said, "I'm not sure."


Suddenly, They heard a loud Roar from behind them and they saw a hydra.


Slacil said, "Well thats just great. A hydra and I HAVE NO FREAKING WEAPONS!"


Roger said, "I thought you recovered them...ohh crap. Looks like I have to do this alone."


Roger charged the hydra with his Z-Saber.


The hydra launched one of its head fowar and managed to knock the Z-saber out of Roger's Hand.


Then, Another head took the z-saber and held it in its mouth.


Suddenly, one of the head's started speaking, "This Sword...how could someone like you have obtained this?"


Roger said, "the head of my tribe offered it to me as a gift."


The hydra said, "Well, its not being used to its full potential. Please follow me."


"wait wait wait, So you're not gonna kill us," Slacil asked.


"No. Besides, clowns taste funny. HAHAHA! I made a funny!" The Hydra laughed.


"Okaaay" Slacil said.


They followed the hydra into a tunnel and came to a room. They saw a statue of a robot with...hair.


"This is Zero...He somehow got into our world when we all thought he was a myth. He helped us battle a great evil before returning to his world. We built a statue to honor him."


Slacil said, "A great evil? But don't you work for someone named Shemesh?"


The hydra said, "Shemesh? No! So that explains all the bloodshed..."


Roger asked, "What do you mean?"


The hydra answered, "I noticed many bodies of warriors in this land. However, before I can reach them, a knight by the name of Malm slaughters them. Malm is being mind controlled by Shemesh so he is unaware of the killing."


Roger asked, "aren't you a creature of evil?"


The hydra replied, "Yep, but in this land, all creatures enjoy each other's company. Because we've discovered cloning and mastered it. We are able to keep us flesh eaters happy by cloning humans. And the humans dont really mind at all :)."


Slacil said, "I see. Well, how can we go back to our world."


The hydra said, "If I can remember Correctly, You have to talk to our portal keeper. However, Malm constantly patrols there so no intruder can get out."


Slacil asked, "How come Malm doesn't kill you guys?"


The hydra grinned, "Because he knows we would 0wn him in a battle!"


Slacil said, "I see. What about weapons?"


The hydra said, "Hold on for a moment."


it walked into a room and came back holding ancient weapons.


It handed Slacil a rifle, "This is called the PA Rifle. It unleashes a powerful attack on enemies close and far."


Then it handed Slacil another rifle and a circle thingy, "These are the HC-520 Rifle and a Disable Grenade. The HC-520 rifle can shoot fast and uses the magnum bullets you carry. The disable grenade can disable any lifeform and machine as long as they dont cast a spell to protect themselves from the effect."


Roger asked eagerly, "What do I get?"


The hydra said, "I dunno. Since you are a ranger. there aren't really any weapons for you. But maybe you should try giving your z-saber to the statue. Maybe something would Happen."


"well...Okay!" Roger put the zsaber by the Zero Statue.


Nothing happened for a while.


Then, a strange power started to glow from the z-saber. It lifted up and emitted a bright light. Everyone in the room turned away from the light. After a while, the light disappeared. Roger turned back to the statue and picked up his Saber. He saw that it became Much stronger, faster, and longer.


"Alright! We can beat Shemesh with this!" Roger said.


The hydra said, "Sure, but rest first ^_^"


Our heroes rested to prepare for the next day ahead of them.



Character name:Slacil

Class: Wanderer

Hp: 300/300

Mp: 20/20


I)PA Rifle (range 2000 meter, damage 300-350, charges 50/50)

II)HC-520 Rifle (range 600 meter, damage 120-150, charges 81/100)

III) Disable Grenade (range: Far as you can throw it. Disables lifeforms and machines)

weapon skills:

I)Charge Lvl1: (charge for 1 round, damage x4)

III) Frag Grenades (Range: As far as you can throw it! Damage 250-500) Armor: Black Commando suit (5-20 AC)

Tech Skills:

I) Spread shot (5 mp) - damage to all enemies

Multiple shot (10 mp) - multiple damage to one enemy

II) Stealth (5 mp each turn) - Cloak. Can attack but does less damage. Enemies can't attack unless they contain radar.


I)magnum magzine(100/100)

Money: 2950 credits

Location: Tveria

Current Status: great


Character name:Roger


Hp: 300/300

Mp: 10/20


I)Z-Saber (damage 60-85)

II)Laser Bow (range 150 meter, damage 30-40, power cost 5 volt).

Tech Skills:

I) manga slice (10 mp): deal double damage on straight line, and move from one end of the line to the second.


I) Haste: double speed and double damage!

II) Farsight: See faraway


I)battery (power 490/500 volt)

II)volt box (250 volt)

Money: 3700 credits

Location: Tveria

Current Status: Great



Character name:Slacil

Class: Wanderer

Hp: 300/300

Mp: 20/20


I)Snipe-a Rifle (range 650 meter, damage 100-150, charges 50/50)

II)mc21 Magnum (range 350 meter, damage 70-100, charges 81/100)

weapon skills:

I)Charge Lvl1: (charge for 1 round, damage x4)

III) Frag Grenades (Range: As far as you can throw it! Damage 250-500) Armor: Black Commando suit (5-20 AC)

Tech Skills:

I) Spread shot (5 mp) - damage to all enemies

Multiple shot (10 mp) - multiple damage to one enemy

II) Stealth (5 mp each turn) - Cloak. Can attack but does less damage. Enemies can't attack unless they contain radar.


I)magnum magzine(100/100)

Money: 2950 credits

Location: Mepa

Current Status: great


Character name:Roger


Hp: 300/300

Mp: 10/20


I)Z-Saber (damage 150-200)

II)Laser Bow (range 150 meter, damage 30-40, power cost 5 volt).

Tech Skills:

I) manga slice (10 mp): deal double damage on straight line, and move from one end of the line to the second.


I) Haste: double speed and double damage!

II) Farsight: See faraway


I)battery (power 490/500 volt)

II)volt box (250 volt)

Money: 3700 credits

Location: Mepa

Current Status: Great

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