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Vista need alot of memory to run all those bugs



Well yeah its a flocking beta.,


I just do not get it its not even released yet and everyone assumes its bad its not even out of beta stages yet. Its not even an RC1 or RC2.

No one even knows its min specs yet.


Anyway the lastest beta seems to run fine on this old P4 2gig with 1 gig of ram wih no problem.

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Big Fuss about a beta.

Normally I wouldnt mind the trade off of memory for flashy interface gimmicks, but this would mean if I run Doom 3 on it, say, it wont perform as well yeh? If thats the case *in theory* then Im a bit upset.

That's what I'm worried about. I disable all fancy stuff in WinXP anyway so I hope Vista allows it. If you are referring to OpenGL being translated to DirectX for Vista then don't worry since graphics cards have their own stuff which won't be affected.


are you sure what they are saying isnt an estimate for what the final version would use? because why would anyone care what an early beta needs to use?


and i have to ask....wtf is this? \o/ to me it looks like a censor or something.


Psst it's a 2nd release internal beta. If theres going to be a huge difference between this and the final release (Which isn't far off so we've been told) then this beta has one hell of a memory leak issue.

You might want to note that Microsoft is the reason 1GB of ram right now is the norm for the average user. You think you "need" that in other operating systems to accomplish the same tasks? Hell no.


I believe it's very true to what we'll see in a final. Too much eye candy, coupled with too much bloatware (Look at the TM! Theres 37 processes running and ALL of them belong to the OS....and it's IDLING!) and poor programming. We all know MS hires MIT dropouts.........

Psst it's a 2nd release internal beta. If theres going to be a huge difference between this and the final release (Which isn't far off so we've been told) then this beta has one hell of a memory leak issue.

You might want to note that Microsoft is the reason 1GB of ram right now is the norm for the average user. You think you "need" that in other operating systems to accomplish the same tasks? Hell no.


I believe it's very true to what we'll see in a final. Too much eye candy, coupled with too much bloatware (Look at the TM! Theres 37 processes running and ALL of them belong to the OS....and it's IDLING!) and poor programming. We all know MS hires MIT dropouts.........

But it still isn't even an RC yet.


Microsoft.........release candidate? Those two don't go together, this does.


Microsoft : Hurry! This needs to ship yesterday! Screw the bugs we'll patch them sooner or later......or not.

We all know MS hires MIT dropouts.........

While this could be real some time ago, I'm not sure it still is (read: I'm sure it's not).

But with crappy management and insane time-limits, anyone can write crappy code.

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