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FakeNES 0.5.2 released


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FakeNES 0.5.2 released.

Posted Thursday, March 9th, 2006 @ 5:59 PM CST by randilyn



* AUDIO: Temporarily disabled OpenAL by default - There is nothing wrong with the code but OpenAL implementations don't like buffers as small as FakeNES uses, and thus produce silence. That will be fixed when the audio system is overhauled.

* CORE: Fixed a runtime assertion error by adding a check for the existence of CHR-ROM before attempting to build a CRC32 of it.

* GUI: Fixed a bug that caused some GUI fonts to get screwed up after a moveable dialog was drawn.

* NET: Temporarily disabled all references to NetPlay, since it was never implemented in the first place

>> Get it HERE


Credits: Emulation9

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