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Posted (edited)

Any question or suggestions post here, and maybe if they are good ideas I will make a patch to add extras to it. But with little help and mainly concerns I created this. But now if you have seen it and like it and think of good extras (this isnt extra mass features its ways to to make rom selection more enjoyable and user friendly and a nicer interface) let me know as this is the way I think mame should be.


PS any reviews would be nice


PS if you want total control and to play around this isnt for you, stick to 128HK build or Mamedox 1.1 or even mameox or even bendermikes mameox all options are there and its all good.



Edited by BritneysPAIRS
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Posted (edited)

BAED #3 disks were gorgeous as a start, but their stuffed UI are really for collectors rather than gamers IMHO.


Thanks BritneysPAIRS for such a gorgeous job MAMEdOX Platium. A straight plain but beautiful UI without 500 options, ready to play right away. My most welcome feature is the 1 screenshot per game. I ended up playing just the few bunch I knew with BAED 3. But I am now discovering and playing lots of games I wish I had discovered by their time, which I would not be playing if it wasn't because of their "looks" when hovering over their names


The underlaying custom controls for so many games passed unnoticed until long after the first play precisely because how natural your non-default custom configs feels. Thanks a zillion for that too.


BAED #3B, though, did have one very cool feature really aimed towards gamers that MAMEdOX Platium sadly lacks: moves lists for lots of games. Taking into account how MAME is about discovering great games that should have not passed unnoticed (but did), moves lists are a must for pretty much any fighting game and many others. While the idea was great, though, it was rather annoying that the chosen moves list did not stick when getting out of the emulator menu and getting back to it, so you had to scroll to the "Moves" option again, select it, choose character, etc all over again each time you wanted to relearn the move you just looked at 1 min. before.


So, the only feature I can think of adding to MAMEdOX Platium, but one that I would LOVE so much being there, is per-game move list, that after selected, would stick and hence be accessible and dismissible by the click of a button without having to dig through menus again and again.


I do not know what database BAED #3B used. You might want to check the "Command.dat" project (not supported by the official MAME, but supported by several unofficial builds). Seems not to be the ultimate guide, since I am not certain it covers combos too, but is still great as a start. Here are some screenshots:




Which is just what I am talking about and would fit MAMEdOX Platium's main intent (IMHO) perfectly.


Anyhow, thanks for such a piece of cool work!

Edited by pedrito

i can easily look at that........no games missing. Ive slighty updated it so if you press a key on a game it shows detailed mode of everything about the game when you let the key go it returns back to the list....... 50/50 weather its needed or just a feature for no reason, in which case ill remove it.


Did you work out favorites and how easy that part is :blink: also sorting by game types is cool if you press y and fast jump though all the catagories

Posted (edited)

MAMEdOX Platinum is great, by the I can't believe Battletoads is missing from your selection, adding the command.dat will be great too.

I have something to ask, I use the ind-bios, and if i press back+white the xbox turns off, could you add a different combination to enter the in game menu?, I can disable that shortcut in the ind -bios.cfg, but I'll lose the poweroff function while I'am using mamedox platimun, it will be perfect if you could just change that combination, thanks.

Edited by modinside

in your ind-bios turn IGR to 0 then make your mamedox changes...then after you make your changes to mamedox (change White+Black+start) to something else...then go back and edit your indcfg.ini and set it to IGR=2 :-)

  sammaz said:
in your ind-bios turn IGR to 0 then make your mamedox changes...then after you make your changes to mamedox (change White+Black+start) to something else...then go back and edit your indcfg.ini and set it to IGR=2 :-)

Thanks man, i'll give it a try.


please read the rules, no request for warez or torrents leading to them. your post was edited as such :headcutoff:


if you can't find it on newsgroups, get a better server like giganews

  Prican25 said:
please read the rules, no request for warez or torrents leading to them. your post was edited as such :P


seriously... is MAMEdOX warez?


if it is how come posting a link is not permitted but open discussion is?


... like the Apple calling the Orange a 'fruit' isn't it?


Yes, the MAMEdOX binary (xbe) is warez. Anything compiled with an unlicensed copy of the Microsoft Xbox SDK is illegal and treated as such. :P

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