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Dualis 18.2 released


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* CPU:  Added the LZ77UnCompWram SWI 

* CPU:  Fixed a typo in the SWI 3 emulation that caused single cycle waits 

* GPU:  Added the option to display only one of the DS' screens (useful in fullscreen mode if only one of the screens are used) 

* GPU:  Added support for texture alpha bits (for 16-bit textures) 

* APU:  Optimized the resampling filter a bit, and applied filter to PCM16 samples as well 

* APU:  Added PSG emulation (rectangle waves only) 

* GUI:  Added fullscreen support (toggle with Alt+Return) 

* GUI:  Added a couple more registers to the I/O register viewers 


The preferred fullscreen resolution can be specified in dualis.ini.

Some new keyboards shortcuts have been added: Ctrl+Shift+1..Ctrl+Shift+3 to select which of the screens are displayed, and Ctrl+Shift+F to toggle on-screen fps display while in fullscreen mode.

I've also written a little PSG demo that plays 3-channel rectangle wave music.

>> Get Dualis HERE, and the demo HERE.

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