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So, I started college. And drinking. And smoking. And crap.


Anyway, I've been out of the emulation scene for about a year and also a bit out of gaming for a year (I still read my IGN, though).


Give me the some of the more important things that have occured in the scene.


Newer neogeo games are officially supported by MAME. Now you don't need to add support to the source yourself or use a modified MAME.


If you got a PSP, there are a lot more emulators out now. :lol:


pshaw, the only real BIG important thing you missed is right here in these forums. DSWifi! (Hell I don't even own a DS and I am aware of this importance)


Other than that........same ol' same ol'. Gaming wise, nothing special really. Criterion just released Black, which by all intents and purposes is one cool "Blow sh!t up shooter", but don't play it if you want some story or tactics.


If you own an Xbox, X-Port is back in action and updating his emulators.........good news big time.


Err I can't really think of anything else that isn't generic filler material, pretty sad state emulation and gaming is in IMO.




I can't stop playing Megaman Powered Up, Smaurai Warriors and Syphon Filter :lol:

Wow it's Hecty!

It's Ryan! Get a better name, the name "Ryan" is associated either to fat people or some asian kid I know.

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