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Jemu2 v3.1 released


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For some reason the 3.0 notes were not on the site until now, so here they are!


March 26, 2006 - JEmu2 version 3.1 released

New in this version:

* Added state saving in the Sega Master System driver (F6=save, F7=load).

* Much improved compatibility, accuracy and performance of the Sega Master System driver.

* Added 28 Sega Master System games.

* Implemented online high scores for 10 more Sega Master System games.

* Fixed a small problem in the MSX driver (fixing the border of Firebird).


March 17, 2006 - JEmu2 version 3.0 released

New in this version:

* Brand new Sega Master System Emulation!

* Added 23 Sega Master System games.

* Implemented online high scores for Sonic The Hedgehog, Hang-On, Out Run, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Super Wonder Boy, Shinobi and Alex Kidd in Miracle World. The current SMS emulator still has some room for improvement, although it will play the current games just fine.

Read more about it on the JEmu2 Development Blog.

The SMS emulator is currently only available using the Java Web Start link, applet support will follow soon.

>> Get it HERE.

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