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PCSX2 0.9 released


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PCSX2 0.9 [ Posted by CKemu @ 5:22 on 03 04 06 ] 


Yes folks PCSX2 0.9 is here, by no means gracefully, but it is here!


You can now enjoy PCSX2 0.9 a faster and more compatible PS2 emulator, it's been a year since 0.8.1 was released so you will see many dramatic changes!


Many games are now going ingame, and some are even playable (check out games like Disgaea, or Silent Hill 4!)


On behalf of all the team I would like to say a big HELLO to linuzappz, and a large thankyou for everything he's done for us prior to him leaving the team!


Given the site troubles over the past 24 hours, I can assure you that myself and several devs right now are totally bald from ripping our hair out! 


Thus the download is being hosted off site, and some aspects of the site may still be broken, we're working on this, but please give us some time!


NOTE: There will be no Linux build for a good few weeks! so apologies to all linux users!



>> Get it HERE and the source, plugins etc HERE.

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