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Past the age limit?


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Okay, this is really sad: One day I walked into my local library to pick up a good book. Now, in my library, there are 2 sections of computers. One for kids (up to 13 yrs) and one for adults (above 13, usually). As I passed the kids section, I notice a man who must have been in his mid to late twenties sitting there, with no kids around. He wasn't playing with his child, he was all alone. ;) Now, that's not all. I looked at the screen in front of him and saw he was playing... Runescape. :) So a grown man, in the kids section of the public library, playing Runescape. Doesn't that seem a bit wrong to you?

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No, not really. I find it's better to just let people like that be (especially if you don't see him bothering any children). How would you like it if the only way for you to play computer games was at a library?

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