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MAME Plus! 0.105u1 2006-04-14


* removed useless changes to official source that only differ in whitespaces/comments

* fixed broken PSX CPU in official v0.105u1

* fixed kf2k3upl reset when booting for ICC build

* some improvements to cps1 hacks [Creamymami]

* removed kodb z80 patch [FBA]

* fixed 3rd Player 'Button3/Insert coin' in wof hacks:

** wofh, wofha: 3P 'Insert Coin' (default:'7') for special attack; use 'Service' (default:'9') to insert coin

** wof3js, wof3sj, wof3sja: insert coin and special attack share the same 3P 'Insert Coin'

** wofsjb: buggy. use 'Service' to insert coin for all players. 3P not yet playable

*please note: M68K DRC core is broken in this version. ASM core is no longer maintained, which causes CPS2 crashes. Use at your own risk.


>> MAMEplus! -> http://www3.emu-zone.org/host/mameplus/download.htm

>> MAME32qa -> http://mame32qa.classicgaming.gamespy.com/

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