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18th April 2006 - version 2.2c

- nds/tcm/debug: accepts "odd" (non-16MB-aligned) dtcm-base without warnings

- nds/help: specified recommended TCM areas (emulation performance friendly)

- web: added "no$nds" iomap screenshots, changed "gbanotes.txt" for v2.2c

- dos/help: dynamically counts help line numbers, then allocates helpptrseg buf

- nds/bugfix: fixed crash on nds-to-gba switch (hack_win_sizes post init_addr)

- nds/controls: supports new x/y buttons, fixed normal joypad input on nds7

- nds/debug: adjust_addr supports iopt, vram, and dtcm/itcm (also for 80x86 swi)

- dma/nds: accepts large word-counts for nds9 dma transfers (max 200000h units)

- dma/nds: masks-out unused sad,dad,len/cnt bits of nds7/nds9 dma registers

- dma/nds/help: added note about nds7-dma having same restrictions as gba-dma

- dma/gba: fixed various "write-only" emulation glitches of various DMA ports

- dma/gba/nds: supports rarely used 8bit DMA port access (by ldrb/strb opcodes)

- nds/cp15: emulates fixed cp15 bits, mirrored/unified cp15-pu-region-registers

- freeware version: re-fixed error-count (ignores bios-bugs, thanks dave murphy)

- nds/debug: full iomap, 10 tabs (Lcd-A/B/3D,CpMem/SpiRtc/Snd,DmaTmr/IrqIpc-7/9)

- nds/help: added note about absent cp15 fast context switching extension (fcse)

- nds/help: added list of read-write/read-only cp15 control register bits

- nds/tcm: supports move/enable/disable/mirroring, re-supported JUMPs in ITCM

- nds/tcm: created separate dtcm/itcm/anytcm handlers, mounted where needed

- nds/ipc: help: added 16 word ipc fifo size, emu: "ipc-clear" sets empty-flag

- nds/3d/help: added new chapter with 3D video specs (about 70% complete)

- nds/3d/fifo/pipe/load/push/pop/mul: emulated basic 3D functions (by software)

- nds/tcm: emulates unused CP15 bits=zero, ITCM not-moveable, ITCM/DTCM priority

- nds/tcm/help: rev-engineered DTCM vs ITCM priority, and NON-moveable ITCM

- nds/memory: moved GBA-SRAM address to A000000h (unlike GBA-style E000000h)

- nds/memory: moved GBA-EEPROM expected address to WS0 (unlike GBA-style WS2)

- nds/memory: truncated GBA-ROM to WS0 (without GBA-style WS1, WS2 mirrors)

- snaps: fixed snapshot load/save (memadr_regs instead bugged v2.2 memadr_vals)

- a22i: definitions by "global equ $" preserve @@local labels (unlike global:)

- help/htm: eliminated unwanted TABLE-spacing that appeared around PRE sections

- xboo: fixed silly bug that crept into gba-xboo-mode (@@non_nds -> AFTER ret)

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