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Lets see. Their conclusions are based on the lack of knowledge among people from the street, quotes from hundreds of years ago, and the fact that apes have no table manners.


But they have a monkey!!!


I'm going to buy this book! The monkey told me to do so!


Speaking of the book, I should probably delete this thread before Mooney and Bo0 spend 13$ on this crap...


Even their smarter then Mike Seaver and that crazy Cameron guy.


I think this is the best idea: God set evolution in motion. Not one or the other, both combined. Now everybody should be happy. :unsure:


I recall some Rabbi(t) saying that Jews where created by god, and everyone else by evolution.


NaNa Banana! I was created by god and you weren't!!!

I think this is the best idea: God set evolution in motion. Not one or the other, both combined. Now everybody should be happy.  <_<

Or why don't we all think what we want and stop pushing ideas down eachother's throats, hmm?


flocking religious dogma.

I think this is the best idea: God set evolution in motion. Not one or the other, both combined. Now everybody should be happy.  <_<


See now thats what i suggested, but nooooooo, thats not good enough for these crazy religious people, Im glad at least one other person can make a goddamn compromise

I think this is the best idea: God set evolution in motion. Not one or the other, both combined. Now everybody should be happy.  <_<


So you're saying that we should combine every belief into a melting pot and call what comes out "The Right One," is that it?

Cause if it is, that's the most asinine idea I've ever heard.


I turned it off after 2 minutes, there was no way I was going to watch half an hour of that idiot.


This useless argument makes no difference to me, if we came out of the sea or out of god's imagination, or stepped out of a flying saucer, makes utterly no difference.


We are still screwing the planet anyways.


Religion and sheep go hand in hand, and talk about it is just as pathetic and sad as political discussion AKA Biased view flamewars.


I'm all for everyone believing in whatever they want, but many know I don't believe in religion or the things any of them bring to the table. (God? Pfft.......long dead Diety if ever there was one in the first place)


If I did have any denomination and practiced any religion, I'll be damned if my personal views would be affected by it and theres no way you're going to get me to go to church. Why do you need to go to some special building on certain days to practice your beliefs? YOU DON'T!


My god can beat up your god.........

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