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Daedalus N64 emulator for PSP released

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It began here...


Hi there,


I've released the first version of my port of Daedalus for the PSP.


To cut a long story short, I managed to port the emulator over fairly quickly, but after starting a new job, development ground to a halt. A few months later I saw the buzz surrounding PSMonkey's N64 emu, and thought I'd have to finally bite the bullet and let people see what I had been working on.


This is quite important: The emulator is far from perfect - many (most) roms don't currently boot, and there are all sorts of crashes, graphical glitches and performance issues. There's no sound or savegame support either This should really be treated as a teaser of what's possible in the future. Hopefully if I have enough time and motivation I'll be able to make a lot of headway with these problems.


Despite all that, the emulator is showing some great signs of progress. Super Mario 64 is looking pretty good...


The next big tasks for me to tackle are to fix various crashes (i.e. many roms boot but then bug out after a few seconds) and improve performance (i.e. Mario currently only runs at around 20-25% of full speed).

Since then, R2 has been released.


[~] Removed hard-coded paths.

[!] Recognise.z64/.rom files extensions etc.

[~] Boot in user mode.

[~] Debug console is colourised correctly.

>> Get it HERE.

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