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Alright, it's E3 time again. Last year I offered to report back on anything anyone was interested in with a more individual look than the press typically offers. This thread was the result:

Daeval's E3 2005 Impressions


I found that gave my wanderings a little more structure, so I thought I'd extend that offer this year as well. I'm going on Friday, so anything that's going to be revealed should be revealed by the time I leave.


So that's that. If there's anything you're interested in hearing a little more than the press is willing to tell you about, post here and let me know!

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Assuming you can take your own personal photos, get us some of the e3 babes...j/k


Unfortunately, the games that most interest me are coming out soon so I'll get the info I need on them soon enough: Ghost recon 3 (Which is advanced warfighter I presume) and Heroes of might and magic V.


But in my curiosity, if you're headed that way, additional stuff at e3 I'd like to see are Crysis, Prey, UT2007, SNK Card fighters, Hellgate: London, and probably Mage Knight.


Even if you don't provide info on any of them, Still look forward to your return post from E3.


Thanks in advanced


I would like your report on the Wii controller. I think I can trust your judgement and that you'll be unbiased.


Diso covered all the games that I know about and am interested in. I'd like to add Bioshock to that though.


Anything on PSP.


And yeah, I would like to see how Wii controller can control "normal" games like...let say, normal RPG, or Fighting games. How about sports game like footie too?


Here's the list Daeval if you can take pictures it would be even better.


Wii and games


Too Human <--- please please please please I am dieing for this game!!!



Call of Duty 3

Any ps3 related news (especially prices)

Anything by blizzard or arenanet, I'm falling in love with this rpg's.

Da vinci Code game if it'll even be there lol.


If I think of anything else, o yea the upcoming ds games, I'll post it up or edit this one.


Daeval, I love you.


Check out the Sega booth too :P


Drake, I wouldn't expect Sony to reveal any prices. MS revealed the price structure just a couple of months before launch so I expect Sony to take a similar route.


Just be on the look out for things you know :P. I want to know if I'm going to get this thing or not >.>.


A word of advice to you. Do not buy any Sony products that are first batch out. Your chance of getting a defect units is high.


I remember last years report from you (Daeval) and Sammaz and it was most interesting, and I look forward to see what you find this time round. :P

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