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Gens 2.14 released

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Gens 2.14 (souvenir) - 21 May, 2006 Posted by Stef


No, you're not dreaming, a new version of Gens is out.

But to be honest don't expect many changes from the last (and old) version. See it as a bugfix version.

Gens 2.12b accidently added "fake" support of sega CD save state. I just forgot to desactivate support (which was very partially implemented) before releasing the version.

With Gens 2.14 (you can get it in the download section), we now have much better support of Sega CD save state (thanks to Upthorn, he did the job here), but it's still not really safe to use it as i doesn't work every time.

SGG ENV support was desactived from the YM2612 since it brings severals bugs in the core unfortunatly.

Some others minors stuff were modified, consult the history file to know more about them.

This version is provided by DarkDancer (Thanks :))

To be honest i don't work myself anymore on the old sources of Gens.

I started a complete rewrite of Gens sometime ago, i don't have many free time but i won't give up on that piece :) Just be patient :)

>> Get it HERE.

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