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Emulinker 1.0.2 released

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Date: 2006-05-23 13:57

Summary: EmuLinker Kaillera Server 1.0 Released


EmuLinker is a high-performance, fully featured, secure, open-source network server that supports the Kaillera network protocol. Kaillera is client/server system that enables head-to-head multiplayer network play of virtually any classic emulated game. 


1.0.2 (05/22/2006)



Almost exactly 1 year after the first beta release, this is the first stable release of the EmuLinker Kaillera Server. Thanks to everyone that has reported bugs and made suggestions over the last year! This will likely be the last update release for quite a while if not ever.


Bug Fixes Only


- Fixed duplicate user/game problem during login

- Numerous other minor bug fixes

>> Get it HERE.

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