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MaLa 1.0 RC4 released

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MaLa is a multi emulator frontend designed for all 32bit Windows operating systems. It mainly supports the Windows command line version of MAME with XML ROM info (> 0.84) and also all other emulators which can be started via the command line.


What's new?



• Added an aspect ratio of 1.6 (16:10) to the layout. Create scalable layouts for wide screen displays.

• Added an definable aspect ratio to the layout. Create scalable layouts for any aspect ratio.

• Added 'Remove selection' function to MalaGamelist.

• MalaTree and MalaGamelist stay on top now when started via command line/from the options dialog.

• New emulator presets.



• Access violation on opening the Info Window when no history.dat file is available.

• Desktop resolution not switching when using a scalable layout.

• Background music not starting on MaLa start.

• Game lists are not displayed/selectable on controller mapping tab sheet.

• Game lists are not displayed/selectable in auto game list switch checkboxes.

• Joystick in Exit window not working.

• MalaGamelist: Wrong emulator name of source list displayed when starting with command line parameter.

• Button 'Delete' on game list tab not working.

>> Get it HERE.

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