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Mame 0.106u5 , Intermediate Update !

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WARNING: Starting with this version, the MAME windows run on a separate thread. There may be issues relating to this, especially when running unthrottled. If you see any crashes or odd behavior under normal operation, be sure to report it to http://mametesters.org.


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


cheat_menu0106u3ora [Aaron Giles]

cheat_file_option0106u3ora [Aaron Giles]


Source Changes


Cleaned up decocass driver: [Juergen Buchmueller]

- All hardcoded tables are gone now

- cexplore.pro 32 byte PROM reverse engineered


Fixed windows.mak to support 64-bit builds. [Malice]


Fixed bug where the gamename was reallocated out from under us by the new config system. [Nathan Woods]


Added the ability to specify a callback when a given option is parsed.  This is used on the MESS side to add system-specific command line options. [Nathan Woods]


More generic 6840 improvements. [El Condor]


Some improvements to the Pasha Pasha 2 driver. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


Added experimental OSD locks: [Aaron Giles]

- osd_lock_alloc() allocates a lock

- osd_lock_acquire() acquires a lock, blocking until success

- osd_lock_try() tries to acquire a lock and returns whether or not it succeeded

- osd_lock_release() releases a lock

- osd_lock_free() frees memory used by a lock

If the OSD layer is not using multiple threads, these can just be stubbed out (return TRUE for osd_lock_acquire and fake the rest).


Fixed ESC key not cancelling out of initial UI screens. [Aaron Giles]


More rendering changes/fixes: [Aaron Giles]

- Added new render_view_item_get_state() function to return the state of a given item

- Changed render_target_get_primitives to return a new structure render_primitive_list, which contains the list of primitives along with an osd_lock which must be held while the list is being traversed

- Added "Rotate View" option to the video menu for dynamic in-game rotation

- Moved window creation and management to a separate thread; this means all software rendering and all Direct3D calls are done on a separate thread from the main game, and will take advantage of multiple CPUs/dual cores

- Changed throttling behavior to skip rendering if we are already pending; this makes for a better "fast forward" effect

- Added -prescale option to pre-scale the game bitmaps before rendering to the screen; this helps get rid of the "fuzzy" look when running with -filter enabled, at the expense of some speed. Note that only integral values are currently supported (no "auto")



New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


Hard Times [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]



Derivative Builds:






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