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That's freakin' gay right there. I wish authorities would focus on bigger crime: like DRUGS.

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OH yeah, I forgot, $$ > lives && people polution. Govts. sure have their priorities straight right there. :D

  Weirdy said:
That's freakin' gay right there. I wish authorities would focus on bigger crime: like DRUGS.

I know your intentions are good, but drugs is a war we can never win, ever. I think we should take a note from Amsterdam and create government-sponsered programs that sells drugs, but only if you apply to be part of a program to get you off of them. Except for pot, which is entirely legal (Which I think should be, even though I am not a pot smoker).

  Dooz said:
  Weirdy said:
That's freakin' gay right there. I wish authorities would focus on bigger crime: like DRUGS.

I know your intentions are good, but drugs is a war we can never win, ever. I think we should take a note from Amsterdam and create government-sponsered programs that sells drugs, but only if you apply to be part of a program to get you off of them. Except for pot, which is entirely legal (Which I think should be, even though I am not a pot smoker).

Yeah, I know. It's a "war" with extremities that can never be won. I've always thought they should be legal to, but don't you think they oughta be going after drugs instead piracy anyway? :D


I think all drugs ought to be legalized to get rid of cartels and make those fuuckers lose business. The govt. could slap on a huge tax and make a bunch of $$$ from sales; then they can slap on a bunch of huge consequences for operating machinery and doing certain things under the influence and shiit like that. You'd either get high responsibly, or not at all!

  Agozer said:
  someboddy said:
Don't worry! http://www.captaincopyright.ca/Kids/Comic1.aspxCaptain Copyright[/url] will save the day!

Man, they are sure trying. Slyck posted some news regarding the Captain Copyright comic as well.


Those comics are awesome because they're completely irrelevant. None of the three cases of "copyright infringement" (only one is strictly copyright infringement) they give are really analogous to the kind of large-scale multimedia copyright violation they're trying to fight. Not only that, but the one time they actually depict the concerns of the consumer (overpriced textbooks), they remain completely unaddressed.


What's more, any college student worth his salt would just borrow the textbook from the library or a friend and photocopy a few missing pages himself. flock $200 math texts.


*Translated from Sweden's Pirate Party website*


---CAUSES FOR ******.org DOWNTIME---


Anakata catches a bad ass cold and noone is there: downtime 7 days


Tiamo gets drumk and crashes something: downtime 4 days


The goverment (and the USA) uses police to steal TPB'S servers, yes, emptying an entire server room: downtime 3 days


This is what I've been saying to myself and a group of friends for a while now: The Administrators' personal "problems" do more damage than possible police raids.


I notice the front page has a ship blasting cannonballs at a Hollywood sign - and down the bottom it says "now shipping to the white house". I can't wait for the full-page response to appear!




btw M.A.F.I.A. = Music And Film Industries Association, the MPAA and RIAA the moneyhungry bastards.


You know if drugs where legalized, not only would it unclog court systems and free up lots of police officers for more important things, but it would lower rates of other crime such as assualt, stealing, even murder used to get drugs, it would also take power away from drug dealers/the mafia, it would make the government money (im sure there would be a tax on it, just like there is for tobacco) and the overall OMG lets get some pot! thing would just wear off, with it being so easy to get and cheap (it would go down ALOT in price if it where legal) the novelty of it would wear off alot faster


im just talking about marijuana though, while many of the effects above hold true for alot of drugs, things like heroin and crystal meth can SERIOUSLY flock you up, and should probably remain illegal

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