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MaLa v1.0 RC6 released


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A Front End


What's new?



• Changed the LED triggering. Now it's possible to define more than one LED for the same button/function.

• Added an optional and configurable LED flash on game start

• Added the ability to launch external apps (e.g. start explorer when running MaLa as shell or launch a jukebox app)

• Added launch external app to the controller set

• Added the ability to launch an application on MaLa exit

• Added letter up/down commands to the controller set

• Added play buttons on the gui sound tab

• Added video display to the screensaver

• MaLa Menu now available in tree mode

• Added an option to save the last background music position on quit and restore it on start

• Sub directory search of mame roms optimized. Works faster now.



• MalaGamelist: Error ("Zu wenig Arbeitsspeicher") when removing brackets from names on huge lists

• Index out of range error when using a tree and switching to a sub menu node in some cases

• Game list overwritten when using auto start of a game on MaLa start and the last selected game list is not the auto start game list

• Index out of range error when opening the info window and no games are in the list

• Mouse input in MaLa still active when running an emulator

• Error on next/previous game list in jukebox

• No tracking of the selecting game when using 'Auto Gamelist Switch' on orientation switch or cocktail mapping

• Switch to the 'All Games' game list when closing the options dialog with 'OK' in some cases

• Starting picture still visible when quitting an emulator

• MalaTree: Check tree function not working correctly when using a jukebox node

• MalaLayout: Absolute path for some sound files not set

• Movement sound plays twice when not using the scroll delay exception on sounds

• Background music starts from beginning when quitting a game

• Wrong game selected on next/previous emulator command when tracking of selected game is on

• Sub directory search of mame roms not working correctly.

>> Get it HERE.

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