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http://members.lycos.co.uk/neocream/ The site...


http://members.lycos.co.uk/neocream/phpBB2/index.php the forums...warning runs very slow...



Have you seen what they have done :lol:


Those son of a @{~}~@{@{~


I cant belive this stuff.


Not only have i not had acess to my FTP.

My forums have run super slow because of a server change...


During this pathetic period THEY BUNG IN A TOWER ADD!!



Ok if anyone knows how to hack to remove these adds please give me a shout please i really need it

You forums work fast for me.

If you get a free site, don't comlain about baners.


They work fast...

I wounder if they have listened to the posts in the forums.

I posted a topic like this.


Towerds====can we have speed?






Somebody i know i should probablie not complain at all, but i have had a crap time latly no acess to my FTP even thogh i have some updates i have even updated old links and poop like that.


Coupled with the slow spee i have been getting, when they put the tower add in....... :D


I mean wore the pop ups not good enuff surly there are other ways.


Plus when someone gets a PM on my forum in the PM window you also get a tower add, and for me it PM boxes dont work i have to manually clcick my PM link...no big deal but it proves they could have made it better.


I will be paying soon anyways, that or im finding another server.

and thats why im happy my brother is hosting my website for me :P


Were is your site dude :lol:


You have confused me :D

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