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SDLMAME 0.106u10 released

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R. Belmont has released a special build of his version of MAME. Here is what he said:


SDLMAME: Round Two

It’s been a while, but here’s SDLMAME 0.106u10 (that’s right, u10, hot from Aaron).


New stuff in this version:


* Support (software only) for Aaron’s new video engine

* Greatly improved windowed-mode behavior. You may now resize and maximize the window and SDLMAME will Do The Right Thing

* Support for Win32/MinGW. This is really just for demonstration purposes, although it’s a lot less gimpy on Windows than previous SDLMAMEs (SDL 1.2.11 finally fixed their broken DirectSound backend)

* Support for both PowerPC and Intel Mac OS X

* Unlimited software stretching, with or without aspect ratio correction. You may now stretch either in integer steps or in 1-pixel amounts. Just don’t expect good framerates filling your 1920×1200 LCD panel 

* .WAV sound logging support


A few known issues:


* No multi-head or multi-window support, at least until SDL 1.3 is released (I’m guessing fall 2006)

* No OpenGL yet, and the software stretch can get slow much past 800×600 unless you have a very fast (3+ GHz) PC

* Unused areas of the display aren’t erased, so you can cause trouble playing with the orientation of multi-screen games in full-screen mode. PSX games probably don’t look too great either. (NOTE: in windowed mode this isn’t a problem)

* In full screen mode the image is upper-left justified instead of centered

>> Get it HERE.

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