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Snezziboy and SnezziDS 0.24 released

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SNES emulators


>> Get Snezziboy HERE


>> Get SnezziDS HERE.


Updated by the Gladius and bubble2k duo.



Dear all, did a quick fix release:


v0.24 (Quick Fix Release)



Fixes and Features:

- Quick fixed a minor problem in the header detection algorithm in the Snezziboy builder. (This may require a more proper fix later...)

- Fixed a bug with the XCE code that was emulated wrongly.

- Fixed the VRAM allocation so that Illusion of Gaia works correctly again.

- Remove the wraparound bug that causes clones of Samus' ship during the Super Metroid demo.

- Also fixed the code issues as pointed out by Gladius. (Thanks!)


Credit: Emulation64 for the changelog.

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