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Coral Castle


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While transferring the interesting parts of my VHS collection to DVD, came across a documentary on Coral Castle. It is located near Homestead, Florida. Has anyone ever visited?


Seems it was built of many blocks of coral-stone (oolite), the heaviest weighing 30 tons, the whole lot weighing in at 3 million pounds, into a castle, walls, strange celestial objects, tables, rocking chairs and other shapes, by one 5 ft, 100 pound man using no machinery, over a 20-year period. The gate is a 9-ton block that swivels and is so precise that a child can turn it. The whole lot was cut out of the bedrock on his property - by hand.


I wondered if the documentary was overstating things however a quick internet search shows that most people agree that it would be difficult if not impossible to build today using machines and that the maker must have had paranormal abilities. Seems strange doesn't it?



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I live a hour away from Homestead and I have never heard or seen of such a thing. I didn't even know castles existed in florida ...


Edit: Jesus christ I can go there on bus ...., I'll ask my father about it in the morning he knows south florida inside out


Edit2: Hehe, this place looks cool, might check it out in the near future.

Edited by Drake
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