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Have you noticed just about every new forum now is with Invision Board? :lol: In fact about 70% of them stay with the default template which is the most boring template I have ever seen. It really pleases me that we are one of the very few, except GeoShock, Nintendo Dream, and NeoCream forums that uses phpBB. Its almost been a year now I have been using phpBB and I have added and edited to my perfection. I mean if you look at all these new emulation forums, they all look the same. (I don't mean to brag about it) To be honest I don't think I will ever change to Invision Board, it will be a thought, but I don't think it will go anywhere. Its great to have a forum thats completely different than all the others out there. :P


Post your comments here. :D


PS: I have added more than 20 modules to this forum software and redited many things as well.


Umm, I wish I could leave a coment, but because this is the only forum I visit on a regular basis, I have nothing to draw on. I guess i will take Gamecops word for it. I like this forum BTW! :D


yah, i choose phpBB for my forums because it was the most widely used, so as a result, it seemed to have the most templates, hacks etc available to be implemented. :P


id also like to add that 1emulation has the BEST looking forum around, hands down. :lol: all the stuff you've added to them has really paid off. my second choice would be neocream. i really love the template that emsley has choosen as his default. it really goes with the neo geo theme of the site in my opinion. if anyone hasnt seen it, they should check it out (link is in my sig). :D



These forums rock period.

To pass coment on these would take forever if you have ever run your own forums for me PHP then i can tell you all you get many extras threw 1emualtion.


Hacks modules what ever you would prefer to call them, when adding modules it takes a bit of brain some hacks you download there are not any instuctions with them :D


Hence My forums have no hacks as im to chicken poop to try and play around with them :lol:

I would blow them up But i am learning how to do it slowly.


I iwlll even say this this new defult setting is one of the best i have seen out there

They look tottaly rad and load super quick, and thats the best of booth worlds.


There has been a lot of work put in to 1emualtion you would probablie only understand if you had played around with your own forums.


Ruff===tuff===cant===get==e--ee-nuffff! :P


8):D:o:o emsley??? what happened to neocream??? I have tried accessing and I get a not found page... what the hell did lycos do now?


sorry for the out burst on your thread here guys...


but my comment on 1emulation is that it is one great forum full of realy helpful people, and somewhat "smarter" I think, one thing I like is that this place is devoid of teenage faggetiness (if there is such a word..lol)

and that at least people here get to express their views (even if they are ass backwards) and that mods don't go around editing people's posts to their liking as they do in [censored nation] or that we don't have a guy who is a known cock sucker as an admin like (I won't say it but they live in some fag teenage paradise) :D:lol::P

  • 2 weeks later...

They Use InvisonBoard becuase its easy to add mod and to Set up.


Also it is more cleaner

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