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07-22-2006 - JAPE


I started working on JAPE 0.6.

I added support for dipswitches loading/saving, default scanlines support (may be disabled) and 640x480 VESA support.

I also fixed a few gfx issues in Donkey Kong Jr. as well as window closing issues.


Here are supported changes from MAME 0.5 and MAME 0.6:



- I reorganized the source directory tree, instead of one directory for every game there are now four directories (drivers, machine, vidhrdw, sndhrdw) which contain files named after the game.

- Changed readroms() to allow scatter loading of a single ROM. This was needed for Donkey Kong Jr. Now the end of the RomModule array is marked by a size==0, while name==0 means "continue loading the previous ROM at this address".

- New function copybitmap() in common.c. Limited for now, will change in the future.


07-19-2006 - JAPE

I am currently working on JAPE 0.5 even if most internal changes from MAME 0.3/0.4/0.5 are not incorporated yet.

There are now 18 supported games (7 new games).



Here are supported changes from MAME 0.5:


- Support for:


Donkey Kong Jr. (wrong colors, no sound)

Galaxians and the plethora of clones (correct colors, limited sound)

Pisces (correct colors, limited sound)

"Japanese Irem game". I believe the colors are correct, but since I've never seen the original game I can't know for sure.

War of the Bugs (wrong colors, limited sound)

Moon Cresta (wrong colors, limited sound)

The End (wrong colors, no sound)


If I have time, I may work on an applet version.

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