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I don't know if this is allowed to be talked about on here.. if not, I apologize, please lock this.



Background story:


Man in alabama is arrested for car theft. Just turned 18, no criminal record. When he arrives at the station, he grabs the gun of the cop who arrested him, killing the cop, his partner, and the dispatcher.


He flees in the police car he was arrested in, getting caught the next morning sleeping in the car. He's returned to alabama to await trial.


The question is, do you think this person should get the death penalty?


Normally I'm against the death penalty, because you can, all so often, kill the wrong person.. But this is caught on tape, he was caught in the car he escaped in, he used the officers own gun..


Plus these are police officers, these people are the reason that the streets are as safe as they are.. imagine how things would be without them.. Am I saying that cops are more important then normal people? No, but we have to do something to help ensure the safety of them...


Please let me know your opinions on this.



The kid sounds wahcked out of his tree, i mean you have to have screwlose to cap 3 people... :lol:


I am sorry i dont have an opinion on the death sentence :lol:


But for that crime he should go to prison all his life, i mean 3 people...

If he capped one, the over cops would have killed him anyways...


So he did what he did.


Prison for life


Sure he killed members of the law. but its only 3 fricken people.


If he killed 10000 people or the president, yeah he'll go to the death penalty

Prison for life


Sure he killed members of the law. but its only 3 fricken people.  


If he killed 10000 people or the president, yeah he'll go to the death penalty


is taking 3 people's lives any different than taking the life of the ppresident? or is it justified to only kill 3 people instead of hundreds or maybe thousands?


Politically, yes it's different, morally, it is not, those officers have wives, sons, daughters, moms and dads, and they do a job that you and I don't wanna do... scumbags like that kid will go to jail and be out on parole in 10 to 12 years, it has been proven that these people will return to crime


I honestly believe that the death penalty is a harsh and sometimes extreme law, but it should be kept in the card deck, because ass wipes like that kid will think twice about shooting someone if the outcome will be a slow painful electric chair death or a gas chamber lung explosion...


there is no damn reason enough to shoot someone, this comes from someone who got shot in the arm by a 17yr old punk who tried to steal my brother's car... what the hell did I do to deserve getting shot?


back to the post, what did those cops do to deserve to die by his hand?

what? they did their job? oh that is so wrong isn't it? (sarcastic)


so yeah I think he deserves to die, a slow painful death, or better yet, institute right of vengeance like in zimbabwe and put him in a room with the families of those he killed, if he survives in there for 8 hours then he can go free, possibly without genitals, cuz' if it was a member of my family he killed I would give him a sex change without anestesya. :lol:


he deserves life in prison but he is gonna die one way or another because he killed 3 cops that is rather vicious murder though i mean all those 3 cops were doing is their jobs they didnt deserve to die but i say let the families pick the punishment.

Evilnos you got shot in the arm?


Did that **** hurt?


I thought everyone knew... I got shot by some dude that tried to steal my bro's car, luckily the bullet did not hit the bone, but it did make a nasty hole that took over 8 months to be all right again, it was a.22 slug, that day, I prayed for him to receive the same thing, it was only just, cuz' it hurt like all hell, imagine someone putting a needle in you and then twisting it over and over again, except that this is a lot bigger than a needle, and it's so hot it burns your flesh... he got what he deserved tho... the cops caught them and they went into a shoot out with them and from what I hear he took a shotgun blast to the nads, and is in jail for life, hopefully being some dude's biatch


do I feel any compassion, no... just as he didn't when he shot me, he can rot in there


Life is the greatest gift a man have, and no one should take it away from it. This punk had no right to take the cups life, and he should be punished, but no man have the right to take anyone elses life!!!

In israel, when I live, there is no death penalty. There is only one man who got it, but he was Adulf Hichman, the most importment nazi, second only to Hitler.

Evilnos you got shot in the arm?


Did that **** hurt?


I thought everyone knew... I got shot by some dude that tried to steal my bro's car, luckily the bullet did not hit the bone, but it did make a nasty hole that took over 8 months to be all right again, it was a.22 slug, that day, I prayed for him to receive the same thing, it was only just, cuz' it hurt like all hell, imagine someone putting a needle in you and then twisting it over and over again, except that this is a lot bigger than a needle, and it's so hot it burns your flesh... he got what he deserved tho... the cops caught them and they went into a shoot out with them and from what I hear he took a shotgun blast to the nads, and is in jail for life, hopefully being some dude's biatch


do I feel any compassion, no... just as he didn't when he shot me, he can rot in there



What goes around comes around.

Dam getting capped. :)

Your still here dude.

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