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Started playing this again. First time since 2003. For a pure lack of anything better to do.


Does anyone play now, or does anyone want to start playing ladder? No one I know plays still.

Posted (edited)

A year or two ago I lost my level 56 lightning sorceress due to some dodgy save error.


So every now and then I give it ago - currently got her back up to level 40.


It's entertaining in short bursts.


Oh, and in my opinion, it has the best soundtrack ever. :)

Edited by Chaotica

I was playing this for a while...., until I managed to hit 99 (with a little bit of google power) and buy guildwars >.>. Which imo is > D2 if your going to play for either PVP or Mission wise.


Even though one game's in 2d and the other in 3d, the missions on gw feel nearly exactly the same as the one's in d2.


Diablo 2 is a game that I can't play for a long time. I play till I go up maybe 5-10 levels and then quit. I once had a character who was up to 25 but I lost him in a harddrive crash. After that I've only gotten up to 13 and then I uninstalled the game.


It's a fun game but I just can't seem to dedicate a lot of time to it.


I agree with Gryphon. It certainly is a fun game, but I think it gets old so fast that I just get bored and stop playing.


Best to get the expansion too.


I haven't tried ladder, and I'm pretty sure my sorcess got deleted.


Damn you.


Ladder is cool. There is at least to some extent a value to items and duelling can be fun at low levels (<50) still.


Ladder is good mostly because the armour I'm needing can only be made by the Enigma runeword which is a ladder only combination. There are items invaluable to almost every build that can only be found or made in Ladder games.


We have been having Diablo Lan party here for the past few weeks.

3 colleagues playing together and we have finally beaten the HELL level.

Fun when you have friends playing so close together, shouting at each others :roll1:


Yes, I can play games in the office :blink: Since my boss is not around and I am the boss for that place :D

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