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has any seen res 2 &3 for the GC?

is there any difference between these and the PS verisons?

do capcom think i a gonna pay £35 for a 4 year old game?

i thought they would be that price for both of them!


ME! is da man for the info...

He should leap on this thread like an axe wielding homicidal maniac :)




i totally agree, and capcom wonders why they are not selling enough of there games on the gc. :) to answer your question...NO!!! :D there is no differance between the psx versions of the games and the newly released gc versions. they were origionally going to sell them for 20 bucks a peice but changed their minds at the last minute. frankly, i dont kow what the heck they were thinking. :cry:


Yeah, biggest waste of money ever. Every man and his dog has played Resident Evil 2 on every system in the world. It's just being lazy (kind of like Nintendo and a lot of thier ports of not so good games). I didn't buy my Gamecube to play ancient PSX games :)


its not nintendo's fault though. this was totally capcom's own doing. :)


I know it's Capcoms doing. What I meant is Nintendo have done something similar on the Gameboy Advance with some mediocre ports of mediocre games. This capcom thing is definately worse though.


They just did this to help their economy and also, to give the players of Gamecube a chance to play the resident evil series.


They made zero and resident evil for GC and probably thought to release the others for the the GC as well.


But still they could have made the price lower bcuz thats just wasting money.


Still, capcom makes some of the best games in my opinion so you can't blame them for making such a strange act :)


Sometimes Companies are silly.


Usually these have heavy damage on their games


well im gonna be waiting for the second hand shops to be flodded with them and buy em for £10 each and THEN i wil still fell ripped off :(

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