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That's right, now all you need to be an Ultra Member is only 1,000 posts!


We hope you enoy the new features of 1Emulation v2.9!


Finally! Now anyone who makes an average of around 3 posts a day can actually make it to Ultra member within a year rather than TEN years! ;) Thank you! :P


Suddenly, the fact that I was one of the few worthy of the title "Ultra Member" is non-existant.


I feel violated and I'm just a part of the grey mass of mediocrity.


Suddenly, the fact that I was one of the few worthy of the title "Ultra Member" is non-existant.


I feel violated and I'm just a part of the grey mass of mediocrity.


You and me both, buddy. :);)


Nice to see some of the requirements for the weapons have been lowered (and some raised ^^)

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