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AppleIIgs emulator for the Mac


Version 1.7.1 (August 18, 2006)


1. Holding down the option key while mounting 800K disk images now mounts them as CleverPort devices instead of as IWM floppy disks; this lets you mount lots of 3.5" disk images at once, which makes installing the system software, for example, incredibly easy.


2. Updated the URL in the documentation that's presented for where to go to download system disks.


3. Aliases to files now resolve correctly, so you can drop aliases to your disk images into the Disk Images folder, instead of moving the images themselves.


4. The Reset command in the Setup menu now works correctly.


5. Optimized more PowerPC code, resulting in a small additional performance boost over version 1.7.


6. Fixed a bug that prevented Recent Disks from mounting.


7. Items in the Eject submenu now display the name of the disk correctly; this broke in version 1.7 due to the UTF-8 change.


8. Ejecting a disk then inserting a new one now properly redraws the contents of the disks window if it's visible. Previously, it was possible for the contents of the window to become somewhat confused in this situation.


9. Fixed a bug that caused the mouse cursor to bounce around the screen when Default Folder X is installed. This also slightly improves the response performance of the mouse in Sweet16.


10. Fixed a couple of problems that caused crashes when clicking in the disks window under certain circumstances.


11. The Control-Command-M keyboard combination now properly issues the Mount Disk Image command.


12. Fixed a memory leak when initializing the Recent Disks menu.


13. Added a "Clear Recent Disks" command to the Recent Disks menu. This empties the recent disks list.


14. Fixed a bug that caused new DiskCopy 4.2 images to have invalid names in their DiskCopy 4.2 headers.


15. Fixed a bug that caused the progress window used when creating disk images or calculating the checksum on a DiskCopy 4.2 image to crash.


16. Fixed HTML markup problem in the documentation that made the instructions on copying the ROM from a IIgs unreadable.


17. Fixed the error dialog box that appears if you try to mount too many disks (or too many of a given type) so it actually contains text.


18. Fixed the "allow 14 MB" checkbox and the other controls in the Memory panel in the Preferences window to stay in sync properly.


19. Fixed the memory size preference so it resets to 8 MB if you turn off the "allow 14 MB" checkbox with the memory size set above 8 MB.

>> Get it HERE.

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