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When I Run AIDA32 (Its a program that tells you stuff about your system, really usefull :thumbsup1: ) It says i have AGP Disabled, and Fast-Write, and Side Band Addressing, it says my PC supports all these things however


But i have an AGP Video card, how can it be disabled if its working O_o


and how can i fix this?


yeah, i used AIDA32 because its one of those apps thats considered "portable" and was on my USB drive


Anyway i "bought" everest (no but i might actually, its a really great app and i want to support the guy) and it still said the same thing


I installed some drivers and things, and yay, AGP and all those things are enabled now!


Still one problem though, While i was updating drivers and such, i realized that there was a new version of the mobos BIOS availible, I can get either a floppy disk creator thing, or just the raw EXE


I dont have a floppy drive though :/ I tried making a bootable CD with Nero and it came up with some DOS crap but i couldnt find the exe anywhere on the disc (should i try burning it to another and swapping? Its really weird its some floppy drive emulator thing, anything better i should try?)


Stock Windows drivers for video cards do not support AGP Texturing/Sidebanding/FW period. They are just "generic" get you going drivers.

Obviously you've now solved this, but I thought I'd let you know.


oh yeah i know, it was weird because i already had the NVidia drivers installed, and usually that fixes it, i had to install actual motherboard drivers O_o stupid Intel


Would that FreeDos thing help me install the new mobo firmware?

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