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Hey---- What about PSP emulator??


Sorry, we were talking about Psx2.. but Just for curiosity... Last month I downloaded some Iso games. I though they were psx Isos, but they never worked when I tried. I though psp was the same than psx, but It seems it's the portatable psx console. Is there any emulator which make them work?.. because until now I've found ways to make isos playable in the console.. But I rather preffer to play in my pc






The PSP is a portable PS2, not a PSX. Even though the PSP is like the PS2, it's still too new and more complex. There aren't enough tech docs to start writing a PSP emulator and Sony would probably start fitting their proverbial boot in any developer's ass who starts coding one.


Yes, but most people are still more interested in playing commercial games on an emulator rather that homebrewn or emulatored console games. If someone wants a Gameboy emulator, they go grab a dedicated Gameboy emulator instead of a PSPS emulator that runs a Gameboy emulator.


Still, it is a PSP emulator, which you said did not exist. ;)


Technicality aside... I remember when the PSP was first out there was that rumour of a Sony authored PSP emu that could run everything full speed for dev purposes and that it was on the verge of being leaked. Guess it never happened.. shame thought but doesnt matter.


Playing PSP stuff on a comp takes the novelty out of having a PSP.


Yes, I hear about that emulator too, but I think it`s fack since no one get any news about it for along time now .


Man, Sony has been a bitch, hasn't it? Stopping the emulators, ordering DevHook to cease and desist... What's their beef? <_<

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