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So im going to be setting up a gameserver, and im thinking of either CS, CSS, HL2DM, or UT2k4


right now im leaning more towards CSS though


but anyway, i wanted to know if anyone was interested in making it the "official" 1Emu server of that game? Im getting the actual computer either today or tomorrow, and ill be putting Debian on it, and it should be on 24/7


Ive had experience with CS/CSS/HLDM/HL2DM servers, so i could for sure do that, give people RCON and everything, but i have no idea what to do for UT2k4


right now i have no idea what the system specs are on the machine, but im guessing around the 1GHz range


If/when you can get an UT2004 server up and running, you will get my deepest thanks.


looks like so far its ut2k4 then :D


ill do some research on setting one up, hopefully the server can run under linux, and if not at least wont have to actually render anything, im pretty sure the graphics card will be a pos


maybe it wont though, i dont know what im even getting, it was free so i didnt complain/ask much

looks like so far its ut2k4 then :D


ill do some research on setting one up, hopefully the server can run under linux, and if not at least wont have to actually render anything, im pretty sure the graphics card will be a pos


maybe it wont though, i dont know what im even getting, it was free so i didnt complain/ask much


Thats a good idea, I second what Agozer said.


does anyone have any suggestions on securing the server? It will be behind a hardware firewall (although im thinking of just enabling DMZ for it, instead of fowarding the needed ports) is there anything else i should do?


If the server gets hacked, which i doubt will happen (who bothers to hack a gameserver?) ill have a backup, and there wont be anything important on it, its just gonna be a gameserver, but the other computers on my network do have some stuff i dont really want open to everyone, it shouldnt open any vulnerabilities to any of my other computers should it?


Also, when i install Debian for this, Should i go with the server install, or the desktop install? I dont think it matters because this kinda thing usually has its own app, but im just making sure


okay for some stupid reason whenever i try to unzip the files i need with ARK it gives me the error]


The utility zip is not in your PATH.

Please install it or contact your system administrator.


WTF?! anyone know how is should fix this? an alternate archival tool?


My educated guess is that you need the zip utility but its directory isn't listed in your PATH environment variable.


Bad News: I have no idea what im doing with the UT2k4 server


Good News: I did get a CS:S Server up and running, and configured, and it performs way better than i thought it would (I am on LAN though)


More Bad News: Due to my network configuration, im going to need some networking hardware before anyone outside my LAN can connect, and i dont get my paycheck till tuesday, but once i get it ill be ordering what i need :)


BTW, Specs are...


Pentium 3, 550MHz Slot Processor (i know i can probably get a Pentium 3 733MHz slot processor for free, but if they are cheap, whats the fastest i can probably buy? I dont know anything about slow processors, so is it basically any P3 will fit?)


128MB RAM, ill probably buy more of that too lol


10GB HDD (Meh dont need more than that anyway)


Debian as the OS

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