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Posted (edited)

none of them both of them are hard on pocket in india beleive me i am going to buy ps2 next month and i will but ps3 when ps4 comes out so that i get full games at a low price till then emulators work

Edited by emuedict
none of them both of them are hard on pocket in india beleive me i am going to buy ps2 next month and i will but ps3 when ps4 comes out so that i get full games at a low price till then emulators work


Anybody else see something reall stupid in this qoute...


i am going to buy ps2 next month


Ps2 Has been 150$ for about two years now. And even cheaper if you buy it secondhand. At this point there is no point in getting one, You might as well just get the emulator.


It's also 130ish here ....., and what do you mean a ps2 aint worth it anymore? I can name tons of reasons that is still worth it especially if you haven't played %60 of it's good games (me for instance).

It's also 130ish here ....., and what do you mean a ps2 aint worth it anymore? I can name tons of reasons that is still worth it especially if you haven't played %60 of it's good games (me for instance).


Of course its worth having, but thats like me buying an N64 now and trying to play zelda for the first time. I dont wait like 4 years untill it flops to get the system, I wait about a year at most. I find it alot better to talk about games most people are playing. Cause when u play FFX, everyones gonna be like i already beat that LONG AGO. ya catch my drift??


Yea that's true, a kid today in my computer class brought goldeneye and everyone was staring at it in awe. Memorys ^.^.

I'll probably wait until the ps3 can play "backup" copies of games. If it ever does.



None of the next gen consoles excite me, except Wii. But now that I re-bought a DC, I am satisfied with the current crop of games I have.


And i will buy the next gen consoles only if they have Shenmue 3 :thumbsup:


I'm going with PS3 myself, but until the price goes down...and after I get that PS2 I've always wanted.

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