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Speccy 1.1 released


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Sinclair Spectrum emulator


New in This Version


* Added Timex Sinclair HiRes and HiColor modes (HiRes currently downscaled to 256 pixels).

* Fixed Timex Sinclair PSG-based joystick interface.

* Added an option for playing tape sounds.

* Added Windows joystick support.

* Added Joystick button configuration.

* Inlined RdZ80() function for better performance.

* Replaced "updates per VBlank" (-uperiod) with "percentage of skipped frames" option (-skip).

* StretchBlt() slowdown problem in Windows 2000/XP solved.

* [ALT]+[F4] now quits application in Windows, as it should.

* Properly saving CPU time when inactive, waiting for a key or display sync.

* Properly checking sound track logging menu option on [F2].

>> Get it HERE.

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