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Who Would Win: Ryu, Ken, or Akuma?  

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I saw these types of topics in a fighting game forum i look around on.


I figured, "Why Not post it here for the fun of it?"


So what do you think?


Who would win in a battle: Ryu, akuma, or ken?


My Opinion


Oh jeez. Its a close tie between Ryu and Akuma.


However, I have to admit that I do Like Akuma Better even though Ryu does have some wicked combos :lol:. I'm seriously all for those dark/outcast people.


Plus, his shin-goku-satsu (Raging Demon: the one where he grabs the guy and beats him up) is wicked for being a cheap ass. :D


So my choice is for akuma


(I think I Betrayed Gamecop because I think he's a Ryu Fan lol)


Gouki is basically the best of Ken and Ryu. He has Ken's speed and Ryu's power. He does lack in one thing though, defense. Not in every game, but some Capcom games Gouki's defense rating is incredibly low (meaning he can't take a hit well). Although in the story, Ryu never defeats Gouki, and Ken never stands a chance against him.


I am a big Street Fighter fan (ask me anything), I believe of course in the end it's Ryu's destiny to defeat Gouki. For now though, Gouki does have the upper hand in a lot of ways.



Correction: Shun-Goku-Satsu




In the Street Fighter Manga Cartoon, Ken Does Manage to defeat Gouki when he absorbs both his master's and Ryu's Ki. So Ken does still have a chance :lol:


Whoa! What series are you talking about? In Street fighter 2 V you only see gouki occasionally in the background. The only other series I could think of is that crappy american series that has nothing to do with the main storyline.

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