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Posted (edited)

well read this news in anewspaer about 2 days ago,posted it in ngemu.com and thought its worth posting here also



btw i dont know how to aatach files instead i copied the text of the document and posted it like that only(this is the reason for the awfull alignment)


Anand Parthasarathy

SAN FRANCISCO: It was a fact of life explained to Alice by the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass: “It takes all the running you can do,to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

Now the world’s biggest computer chip maker has to prove it all over again. Only months after it launched the Core 2 Duo processor family for the desk top personal computer in India and elsewhere, it is having to say: “Two processors on a chip? That’s so yesterday. It is time to talk four-in-one PC chips.” At the semi-annual Intel Developer Forum held here earlier in the week, President and Chief Executive Paul Otellini, announced

the release in November this year of the world’s first-ever chip with four processor cores on board. The Core 2 Extreme quad processor is targeted at gamers and game developers — an interesting priority that shows how computation-intensive today’s 2-D and 3-D video games have become. Later in the year, Intel will go the four-in-one way for its Xeon line of chips for servers, the corporate end of computing and by early 2007, the Core2 Quad chip will fuel the consumer home-office PC, Mr. Otellini said, adding that they will offer a dramatic 70 per cent improvement in performance over their dual core equivalents. Also next year, the company will migrate from today’s 65 nanometre technology to 45 nanometres for its chip manufacturing, Intel used the San Francisco forum to unveil the prototype of a large chapattisized silicon wafer containing 80 units of the world’s first teraflop chip, a processor capable of crunching data at one teraflop — that is, one trillion operations a second. This single-chip supercomputer is however still a few years away from commercial realisation, but when it comes it will straight away make the TOP500 listing of the world’s most powerful computers — which today are assembled from 100s of separate chips working in parallel.



source:"the hindu" newspaper


cool news is'nt it


ps:ignore gramatical errors

Edited by emuedict

Please spend some time formatting the text. I won't do it for you.


its edited now


lloks like no one is exicted over this :P:rolleyes::rolleyes::unsure:


Well it may not have gotten much attention from others but it has curtainly sparked my attention. The issue though is compatiblity with older games and programs that aren't use to using multi thread/core processors to computer their data. Cost is also something to consider.


On a lighter note, if they keep this up then PS3 and Xbox 360 emulation just might be possible in the near future since I've read that the PS3 uses an 8-core processor (at least I think that's what I remember reading).


This is definately something I plan on keeping an eye on.

Duo Core processor last time I checked (the ps3 I mean).

I guess they must have scraped the 8-core idea sometime before the final release then. I read about it...sometime very early this year I think. Way before they ever released it. I never really kept track of it after that.


I don't think sony ever considered a product like that to begin with. The price on the system is bad enough, you don't think they'll want to make it worse do you?

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