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Lost (SPOILERS Inside!)


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Wow. <_< What do you all think of the new season? I find it freaky that the Others had a nice little community on the island, and it was pretty cool to see the plane crash. Now, discuss ideas, omens, easter eggs... whatever. :rolleyes:

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I watched Lost several times and its a pretty cool show, although you miss one episode and you miss a lot of stuff.


I really enjoy this show, but they never answer any questions -- ever. Every season just makes you ask more questions.


This reminds me of all of Capcom's games :rolleyes:

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I edited the title to indicate that there will be spoilers in this thread.


I think it was a great season beginning because it introduced a whole new set of mysteries. I love the show because it rarely answers any questions and keeps me entertained for a long time.


I have a feeling they might kill of Sawyer soon since if you noticed they never showed him with a bandage over an injection mark. I hope not since they seem to be opening up the romance between him and Kate. Plus he's a cool character. Unless the injection thing is a sham that Ben aka "Henry Gale" uses to control the rest of the rest of The Others.


I can't wait to see the rescue attempt and what happened to Sayid, Sun, and Jin.



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I havnt seen the season 3 premiere yet and Iv glazed over most of your comments but what iq132 said about them just complicating the plot endlessly is too true.


Instead of making it seem as though there was a structure to the show, or that the writers actually had it all figured out, Lost's producers give the impression that theyre making it up as they go along. Which, considering the kind of show it is, cheapens it a great deal.


Thats why I dont like Lost- it has a million bizarre things introduced but doesnt go to any length to explain them. Ill fall off my chair if they ever wrap up this show with no loose ends. Too bad itl likely get axed just when they open up the mystical portal to the other dimension where the demonlord is orchestrating all the events on the island as part of some futuristic game show... Ridiculous? Yeh well I wouldnt be surprised if thats how season 5 ends at the rate theyre going now.

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Everyone keeps saying that they're making it up as they go but the producers have said they have mapped out key plot points to a 5th season. The rest they make up, like character back stories, as they go because it's just smart to do it that way. The actors aren't even told about it till they film. If they didn't do that then "Henry Gale" wouldn't have been a major character like he is now. They saw how awesome he was in the episodes he was in and wrote him a leading part for season 3. It makes it more flexible. But what the flock do I care if all this stuff they're presumably "coming up with as they go along" as long as it is excellent television. I have more faith in the writers than most other people on the Internet it seems.


And they've already said that it is not a game show.

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The producers and writers themselves are very hush-hush on the show. I love the writers, they tend to make cliff-hangers everytime we watch it.


Although the mid-autume break is gonna be killer (in the bad way). Return sometime back in Feb of next year. On the plus side, BSG should be up and running soon.

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