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Clover Studios, who brought us Viewtiful Joe and their recent Okami title (Totally win BTW) has been decided to close at the end of the 2007 fiscal year.


Clover Studio Co., Ltd. has met the goal of developing unique and creative original home video game software, however, in view of promoting a business strategy that concentrates management resources on a selected business to enhance the efficiency of the development power of the entire Capcom group, the dissolution of Clover Studio Co., Ltd. has been raised and passed at a Board of Directors' meeting.


Press Release (ENG)


While all is not lost, some of the former Clover folk have decided to open their own studio without Capcom in the way as what Wired states.


May they be Wii bound? Who knows?


flock. Okami and both Viewtiful Joes are teh sex. At least they'll continue making games.


The rights revert to Capcom.

maybe they will join forces with Q Entertainment for the ultimate in gaming weirdness and originality

That'd be excellent. I really mean it.


That'd win, but the 11 other guys broke off to start their own company while the remaining 15 are going to be reabsorbed into Capcom.

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