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Sony Killed Lik-Sang


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Sad to see, I prefered these guys over Play-Asia for mostly gaming related material (and little random items). This is just, god damn wrong.


Beyond on that, L-S has passed certain European passings (adapters etc) and this happens to them.


Axl missed the line where no orders will be accepted.

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This is bullshit. There's no way I'm buying any Sony products for a good long time now. :P I was even contemplating punting my PSP. :P Makes me feel so dirty...

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Dammit, it was a good site to get imports from. I guess Sony is making sure that they have strength since the competition in the gaming world is increasing as the new consoles are coming out.

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What do you expect from an electronics giant that the average dumbass Joe has given the bloated head to think their products are high end? (When anyone who knows better, knows their crap is entry level and only high end to the average consumer).

Sony thinks they're King, and for good reason. Most people out there think so too.


Glad to see the idea of a boycott from some of you, but 70% of the earth is water.......and 70% of peoples heads are full of air. Won't help any, Average Joe still thinks Sony rules and knows nothing about the shoddy business practices they have. They're more cut-throat than Microsoft could ever be.

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