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EA Screws over consumers....AGAIN!


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Well they aren't forcing you to do it. And it's not like you can't cheat without paying. It's just for stupid flocks who pay to cheat. A fool and his money are soon parted.


EDIT: Oh crap, I just read they removed the money cheat code. Idiots.

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Yea, they are screwing you one way or the other, either you pay with your time getting the money (thus playing the game more), or you end up wasting $, I bet by the end of 2007 most people would be paying at least $100 on one game, $40 of it being payed for content.

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Well if you look at the big picture, some EA games are good. Not the ones they made themselves, not the sports spam crap we get every year, not need for speed. I mean those games that were produced by small companies before being eaten by EA. I can't name any off the bat but it's not like I'm totally wrong.


Personally I'd start a pirating group that only pirates EA games. Why? So I can eat their profitzzzz and contribute to screwing them overzzzz... :thumbsup1:

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I think people are just going a bit extreme with this. Seriously, it's just an extra feature. We see this kind of stuff a lot in many games. They ask you to pay a little extra just to get another small bonus to the game. Obviously, the game can be beaten without the gun. Also, it's just a dollar and twenty five cents.


Your most likely thinking of Burnout, developed by Criterion


the only EA games i will buy anymore (i was gonna get the new battlefield, but they dick you over by bundling spyware with it! freakin spyware and adware, wtf)


I installed the game and got no spyware with it. I don't see where people are getting spyware from. Probably from fake files or whatever.

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The other day I walked into the local EB Games here in Australia and Battlefield 2142 PC DVD is selling for $110 (US$73)... and that's the game with ingame online advertising?? How much do you guys pay?


I can see the games for PS3 easily hitting US$80... the next Gran Turismo game I'd bet will be priced around there. And it'll sell by the boatload.

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