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Posted (edited)

I posted initially (I apologize for double post) my question in FBA-XXX 1.26 topic, but now I think that the problem is different. I become clear:

I installed on my xbox hard disk ( I have an old 40 Gb hard disk that I got from an as old pc) various arcade emulators (FBA-xxx pro, mamedox 1.1, ....), I put the roms in the right place with the right bios but some roms (Blazing star in particular) that are Ok for Romcenter (using the right .dat file) aren't for the emulators.


I noticed, after a huge number of tests, that each emulator recognizes the non-working roms (their names are listed on the screen) but it is unable to read their content (actually the error massage says that the emulator didn't find practically all the files composing the rom :P ). Besides Mamedox is unable to delete the non-working roms. Is it possible that the problem is my old 40 Gb hard disk?

Please may someone help me? Thanks

Edited by chr0m
Posted (edited)


I continue my monologue :P, hoping someone sooner or later will be so kind to answer me.

I done some tests:


- I transfered Pulstar.zip from PC to xbox (FTP) and this rom worked with all the arcade emulators i have. I "unistalled" (deleted) (just for testing) the directories where was FBA-XXX pro 1.26 and Pulstar.zip i "reistalled" the same, identical emu and the same, identical rom (FTP) and this time it doesn't work!!!


- (other test) I transfered from hard disk of xbox to pc the non-working roms, i created an iso usig fba-xxx pro 1.26 files and this roms, i burned it onto cd-rw and (that's incredible) they work. What doest it mean? The roms are ok.


- (other test) I deleted fab-xxx and fba-xxx pro 1.26 from xbox hard disk,I deleted their saves from memory, I "reistalled" only fba-xxx pro 1.26 but always the some roms (Pulstar, Blazing star amd i don't know if there are more) don't work from my hard disk (so some other roms, PLACED IN THE SAME DIRECTORY, on the contrary work) .Whatever emulator i use it "sees" the "non-working"roms (their names are listed on the screen) but doesn't "see" the content of the zipped files (actually the error message doesn't say that there are MISSING or wrong roms but that all the roms in each zipped rom were NOT FOUND whereas in reality they are here).

Why Mamedox, Mameox 128 plus don't succeed deleting this non-working roms as if they are "unreadable"?


Thanks for help


P.S.: before i try to change my xbox Hard disk i'd like to find ( with your qualified help) another solution if it exists.

Edited by chr0m
Posted (edited)
  chr0m said:
- (other test) I transfered from hard disk of xbox to pc the non-working roms, i created an iso usig fba-xxx pro 1.26 files and this roms, i burned it onto cd-rw and (that's incredible) they work. What doest it mean? The roms are ok.


Are you saying that you tried some ROMS on FBA-XXX Pro from the XBox hard drive and they didn't work, but then you tried the same ROMS with FBA-XXX Pro from CD-RW and they did work? Or did you try the ROMS on the hard drive with a different emulator (FBA-XXX, MAMEoX)? You mentioned several emulators in your post so it's a bit hard to tell what emulators you used.


One thing to check is the CRC check option in FBA-XXX. If you disable this check the emulator will still run a game even if the files in the ROM aren't the correct ROMS it wants. The ROMS files just need to have the correct name and size.


Also, be aware that FBA-XXX, FBA-XXX Pro, MAMEdoX, and MAMEoX 128 Plus! all use different versions of ROMS in many cases. Just because a ROM runs on one doesn't mean it will run on any of the others.

Edited by Thraxen

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