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The universe is infinite in time and space. If you look at a single atom in your finger, you'll find a universe with galaxies and solar sytems within it and and planets with humanities in them. And this humanity has atom with universes and so forth. This is the infinitely small as represented by the triangle pointing down. If we look beyond our universe, we will see that we are part of an atom that is part of a solar system that in another universe and this universe is part of an atom and so forth. This is the infinitely large as represented by the triangle pointing up. The swirl within the Star of David repesents infinity of time. There is no beginning and no end. The universe has always existed and will always exists. And that's what the medallion in my avatar symbolizes. So knowing that, where would this "God" be located? The best description at this point about "God" is that it is infinity as described above. But this infinity has no intelligence and no consciousness. Therefore no "God". Eventually we will have the scientific knowledge to physically prove this.


Duhhh This is Confusing but I can say this


"God" maybe something what human created to statsified their own fear and (maybe...) their need of protection (sound confusing it just like when they really fear of something they don't know how to get rid of that thing so they need to comfort themselves (think of thunder for example Let's say ancient people afraid of thunder and when they heard thunder of see it they just scare and they can't do anything about it so they created "Zeus" God of thunder and they choose to belive that "Zeus" is their "God" and will protect them with his thunder)(this is just my theory I don't really try to disrespect the "God" or anything))


Duhh... thx for reading I guess


I believe that "god" is a transcendent entity commonly referenced as a universal creator. I don't believe that transcendency can be proven so, so neither can god. It is for that reason along with historical inconsistencies, etc, why I do not believe.


What many have observed is that individuals tend to hold that belief because they like that idea that there is something above and beyond humanity.


This is as interestung as a bag full of hammers sinking in a frozen lake.


Ugh. I really don't care, and I'm pretty sure that no one here other than the topic starter does either. This thread only serves as cheaps laughs and an eventual lock.


Just watch



ha ha


Another spam thread. Any more stuff promoting your site Raelian1 and you can say bye bye.


Religion sux and causes more division in this world than anything else and we don't need it here.

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