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No, no it should be........WHAZ UPPPPP, DAWGGGG!!!!

Yeh yeh,and when he want to ask some one "hey you Motha F**ka!!!!!"


Hope Bush will be Next

How did I know someone would say something like that? As bad as Bush is, he is nowhere near as bad as our next president, Hillary Clinton.


Woman can be president?

Oh course they can. And people in the US are dumb enough to vote her in if (more like when) she runs in the next race. The sheep of this country look at her and think “well she is a Clinton, she must be good.” It doesn’t hurt when your husband was a former president, a very well known and liked one at that.


actually, i have no sympathy for ANYONE that kills innocents.


there are so many people out there that deserve to die in the most brutal fashion, such as rapists, molestors (both child and adult), warmongers (i.e those that incite and support an unjust war, or a war when a peaceful solution can be reached),murderers.. so why kill innocents? if you really have a bloodthirst, go to the local prisons


the only question i had, was if saddam was REALLY as bad as everyone makes him out to be.

yes he killed innocents, but so did clinton (or he made them mysteriously dissappear, not to mention those that died in his bombing of a sudanese asprin factory, and iraq) and yet he was a popular president (among the WHOLE world, sans those that think oral sex is a huge flocking sin.), and didn't bush kill innocents with the iraqi war? and osama...etc

my point is, it seems every leader of modern times you could think of has probably caused directly or indirectly the deaths of innocents.


so is saddam REALLY as bad as they make him out to be? like i said, under him (before the whole sanctions and iran crap) iraq was flourishing and secular, and people had more freedom (non political though) than they do now, or before he was in control.


wouldn't that make saddam kinda like a mustached twisted version of clinton?



to whoever said they lost their sister because of saddam, i want to ask (although feel free to ignore me if you feel i'm being too inquisitive) did you lose your sister because of saddam (i.e did he order her killed), or because of the iraqi war?

actually, i have no sympathy for ANYONE that kills innocents.


there are so many people out there that deserve to die in the most brutal fashion, such as rapists, molestors (both child and adult), warmongers (i.e those that incite and support an unjust war, or a war when a peaceful solution can be reached),murderers.. so why kill innocents? if you really have a bloodthirst, go to the local prisons


the only question i had, was if saddam was REALLY as bad as everyone makes him out to be.

yes he killed innocents, but so did clinton (or he made them mysteriously dissappear, not to mention those that died in his bombing of a sudanese asprin factory, and iraq) and yet he was a popular president (among the WHOLE world, sans those that think oral sex is a huge flocking sin.), and didn't bush kill innocents with the iraqi war? and osama...etc

my point is, it seems every leader of modern times you could think of has probably caused directly or indirectly the deaths of innocents.


so is saddam REALLY as bad as they make him out to be? like i said, under him (before the whole sanctions and iran crap) iraq was flourishing and secular, and people had more freedom (non political though) than they do now, or before he was in control.


wouldn't that make saddam kinda like a mustached twisted version of clinton?



to whoever said they lost their sister because of saddam, i want to ask (although feel free to ignore me if you feel i'm being too inquisitive) did you lose your sister because of saddam (i.e did he order her killed), or because of the iraqi war?

Elazul, best point ever. The West do like to paint Saddam as the monster who ordered thousands of Kurdish killed. I think the only bad thing that Saddam do is invade Kuwait. None of this would have happens if he did not get greedy and invade Kuwait.


i cant wait to get out of this flocking country


or at least untill all these completely out of their mind people get out of office


personally i cant complain about clinton, i think he was a great president, he fixed alot of the countries problems, and everything seemed to be fine, it was when bush became president that everything almost instantly went to crap

i cant wait to get out of this flocking country


or at least untill all these completely out of their mind people get out of office


personally i cant complain about clinton, i think he was a great president, he fixed alot of the countries problems, and everything seemed to be fine, it was when bush became president that everything almost instantly went to crap


Clinton's presidency was possibly the best thing that has happened for the U.S. economy. Basically, regardless of all the scandal, he was a smart man and knew what he was doing.

to whoever said they lost their sister because of saddam, i want to ask (although feel free to ignore me if you feel i'm being too inquisitive) did you lose your sister because of saddam (i.e did he order her killed), or because of the iraqi war?


I lost her in the towers of 9/11. And it was because of Bin Laden and his cousin Saddam.


not to seem unsympathetic to the loss of your sister, but you actually BELIEVE saddam had ANYTHING to do with 9-11 ?


maybe you should blame me too, since i'm an Egyptain-american muslim... i guess since saddam is bin laden's cousin, then i'm saddam's cousin or something like that.





Well we're in as deep as we are, so pulling out is gonna be a big waste, so give it time and run with it. A nation isnt built in a day, or a month, or 3 years, so just wait.

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