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Mame 0.110 released


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MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


irobot0106u1gra [Luigi30]

astrofc057ora [Luigi30]



Source Changes


Fixes auditting sets where all the roms in the clone are also in the parent. [smf]


Fixed assertions in 6809 and 6502 diassemblers caused by stricter checking introduced in u5. [Aaron Giles]


Fixed crash when resetting PSX games. [smf, Aaron Giles]



New clones added


Trivia (Version 1.01C Alt questions 1) [brian Troha]



New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING


M075 Poker (Version 16.03B) [brian Troha]

Super Bowl (Version 16.03B) [brian Troha]

Trivia (sms) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

>> Get command-line binary and source HERE.

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