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Zophar's Domain was one of the biggest and most well-known emulation sites back in the day. It was the place where most people got their emulation-related news and latest emulators. However, the site has been virtually in a complete standstill for nearly a year and periodical updates have been under a rock for perhaps two years. Many have asked to become part of the staff and raise the site back to its former glory, yet nothing has been done.


November 9, 2006 marks the date when the site known as Zophar's Domain is no longer a part of the internets. On it's 10th anniversary no less. Whether it comes back remains to be seen. The forums are still active, at least to some degree.






So with this, I ask: Is this the final judgment passed onto ZD or does it miraculously raise from the ashes like a proverbial phoenix? I'm skeptical, but who knows. Farewell Zophar's Domain. At least for now.


I hope it comes back... it was such a great source for emulation... ;)


I remember traveling to ZD when I first got into emulation. It was a great site, hope it comes back soon.


Sorry to hear ZD has shut down...(hopefully temporarily). I didn't use them as much as other emulation sites, but they were still a good resource for us. RIP


yeah i used to use them a lot, especially when i first got into emulation


in fact to this day i would always download the latest versions of emulators there, only site i bothered with for that


just for nostalgia's sake, i still miss Vimms-Lair ;) it was a good site to quickly grab a few roms between classes to play, even if they supposedly had a ton of bad dumps (i guess i wasn't experienced enough to notice back then)


farewell Zophar's Domain, best source of emu downloads evaah

November 9, 2006


Hello ;)


Zophar's Domain is 10 years old today, November 9th. When Brad Levicoff started this site back in 1996--and when he stepped down and handed the site to me in 2000--I'm sure he never imagined that it would still be around in 2006.


The site does over half a terabyte of bandwidth per month and is ranked at the top among all emulation sites (per Alexa). We're around site #40,000. Even so, the news hasn't been updated in quite a long time. The files, music, save states, etc are all getting old. I figured I would just pull the plug without a fanfare and allow people to go to other emulation sites.


Big mistake.


I've had non-stop emails, IMs, MySpace messages, even text messages on my mobile from friends. People have offered to mirror the site. People have even tried to send me money.


I really had no idea that the site had such a loyal following even after all these years. Really. Hundreds of people. Hundreds of gaming fans who I've had the pleasure of meeting at MAGfest. Hundreds of people trying to relive those old days where you'd get stuck in Bowser's castle in Super Mario Bros. Where you'd fight the Russian in Mike Tyson's Punch Out. Where you can still smell the preztel machine from the arcade as we pumped Mom and Dad's quarters endlessly into the arcade machine. Wow.


Here is Zophar's Domain: Then, Now and Forever.



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