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DS emulator


DeSmuME - DS Emulator


DeSmuME is a freeware emulator for the Nintendo DS created by YopYop156. DeSmuME is also known as YopYop DS is written in C++ for Microsoft Windows and can play Nintendo DS homebrew and commercial nds roms. The emulator its self is in French (with user translations to English and other languages). But even French version of DeSmuME is easy to navigate through menus as it has a similar users interface to DSemu. It supports many homebrew nds rom demoes as well as a handful of Wireless Multiboot demo nds roms. DeSmuME is also able to emulate some of the commercial nds rom titles which other DS Emulators like iDeaS and Dualis aren't capable of doing so.


NDeSmuME 0.4.0 (by NDS) Fixes:

- Corrected bug in the 3D

- Corrected a bug in the menu

- Added the function Open and Execute

- Improved the speed of execution (of 2 fps)

- Reduced the key rom

In the source:

- Corrected of the bug that did not allow to make to execute the emulatore.

DeSmuME version number has changed to 0.4.0 instead of continuing to 0.3.8 to avoid confusion it seems and also Normmatt said his final release will be 0.5.0 so we may be looking at possibly 10 or more releases from him.

>> Get it HERE.


Thanks to Emuholic/Emuboards.


Yes I wondered how they would know that you're making another release (if you are).


btw. This actually came out on October 18th.


if i remember correctly this actually came out like 4 months ago if not longer because i remember people asking me about NDeSmuME even though i had nothing to do with it


NDeSmuME... DeSmuME... TO... DAMN... CONFUSING!!! :blink:

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