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okay, at first, i thought the Wii was the stupidest thing ever, i thought instant fail, a console based on gimmicks


ohhhh how my opinion has changed


First of all, Putting Wii in front of everything, is wayyyy cooler than putting i, iMote?, iCade? no, I want to play my Wii, On the Wiinernet, with my Wiimote, and spent Wiipoints in the Wiicade, having all kinds of Wiitacular fun, coming out the Wiinah against my Wiiblings (siblings?) and Wiiends (friends?) while using my wireless router as a Wiipoint! oh yeah and is the Wiimote be Wiichargable? Oh and not to mention the Wiimulation is flocking awesome.


second, i got to play it first hand finally, i got to play some car racing game, which was pretty cool, i dont remember what it was called, mainly because i got to play this other game called Red Steel afterwords....oh man that game is flocking cool.


Third, Its nintendo, No Ring of death or button of death with beeping, The PS3 is already having horrible hardware issues.


Fourth, Cheapness=Instant Win, thats all there is to say about that, best way into my wallet is by offering the best deal.


I want a Wii so bad, WHY DID I WAIT!?!?


I dunno, the only appeal left to the PS3 for me is MGS4...everything else is on 360 or i dont really care, plus i have a kickass PC now so meh.


once they become easily available, im getting my paycheck from work, walking next door to the bank, cashing it, then walking next door to the gamestop, and buying one, its decided, im getting a Wii


I'm waiting a bit, just to see how 3rd party's and Nintendo plan on using it in the time come. Never again shall I make the mistake of buying a system on release. (I told myself this last year after I bought my 360, it just broke, and guess what, I'm pissed).

okay, at first, i thought the Wii was the stupidest thing ever, i thought instant fail, a console based on gimmicks


ohhhh how my opinion has changed

What caused this complete change from Wii Hater to Wii Lover?

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